ACannabis EVOLVE was an innovative, vibrant and engaging online conference held on 16 and 17th March 2021.
The virtual event successfully brought together participants from across the medicinal cannabis ecosystem, including policy makers, governments, global leaders, healthcare professionals, patients and industry participants to share knowledge, exchange ideas and showcase leading edge industry technologies and opportunities.
“Many thanks for an excellent conference. I actually was blown away by the virtual environments created, especially the lobby area – I’ve never seen anything like it and really felt I was there in person!”
“Thank you for a very useful and informative conference. I learnt a great deal”
“I was so impressed by the look and feel of it all.”
“Thanks to MCIA and the ACannabis team for the excellent organization of a most informative conference.”
“We enjoyed the conference and pleased we attended. It has been one of the better organised virtual events that we have been to in recent times, so congratulations.”
“I have to say that I was really impressed not only of the look-and-feel of the virtual conference format but also of the quality the conference was organized logistically and technically. This must have been quite a challenging task these days that you have accomplished really well.”
“We were glad to have attended, valuable insight into the industry. Thank you.”The Virtual Auditorium welcomed experts from around the world.
The Virtual Lobby welcomed delegates from around the world.
Delegates were able to explore the Virtual Exhibit Hall.
ACannabis is an initiative of MCIA.
The Hon. Greg Hunt opened ACannabis 2021.
Professor John Skerritt provided a regulatory update and discussed new opportunities for the medicinal cannabis industry.